
I have finally recived my bracer, and a story to go with it. I have been hearing voices since it was returned to me, and I feel it is my grandsire, I learned that they unearthed a grave with the same markign s as the bracer.

O’Shea has given me a ring to wear with the bracer, since it is possible that I can be tracked through it. The information that he gave me, the news articles, are about my grandsire Roxxana. I think. It is also possible that Seven, that group is after me because of my link to her, and not because they think I m she who sleeps. Though I was beneath and in the water, and I was sleeping, who knows maybe it is me. What a joke.Personnaly I do not care about all that, Eife is Leanan Sidhe, and so is she who sleeps, this land belongs to them, always has, always will. So what if they are responsible for what happened here, they are cleaning it up, so who cares. During our ceremony of the circle I was possessed by the spirit of gwendolyn of the Tuatha De Dannon, and she told me that if I build her Caryne on the hill of Tara, she will tell me where to find Roxxanna’s heart.

Court, etc

Had a meeting with Eva, Moira anad I are arranging a party , I am setting myself to be Master of Elysium , altough it was not my goal it has happened, and I feel that I can provide positions for everyone here, enough to make them happy.

Everyone in this time has to have something , or as much as they can get. It is the world of court that Dorain told me of, it makes my skin crawl. I hate it. But I have been in need of having a place in this world, and this one will allow me to work with Kian.

Speaking of him, he found out that he most likely is Dorian, but he is not certain. He knows that he was with me in that life though we can not be sure that he was in fact Dorian. But he says he remembers a time that I was hi elder sister, someone he respected, someone he still respects.

He followed me around for a day or so after finding that out. bUt quickly he returned to his ways of ignoring me. we do have an understanding, I understand that I love him and that I will never be with him again. That I have to watch him with others, and not do anything about it.

Veronica would be best to work with Kian.She knows the town and security better than anyone.

I think I can create a position for Tara that will satisfy all her wants and desires while leaving myself in the position of power. I need to be the one working with Kian, I need to have a place and this is the one I have chosen, through action and not through thought.


We went to Derry, found the thing, and I gave her a blessing of the Goddess to make her attractive for a while. I felt sorry for her being as that everyone treated her badly because of how repulsive she is.

I met Hal, he is pretty great, though I am pretty sure he thinks I am a man. I was torped twice, sent home, got a axe and a knife form Veronica, sent t back to Derry, and all the while Kian had very little to do with me.

The Waterfall

Timeline: April 19th, 2005

The Appalachian Mountains might have been the “easier” mountain in North America to climb, but that didn’t mean the going wasn’t difficult. The morning that found Honoré, Lyla and Ramial back on the Trail was wet, muddy, and consequently slippery. There was more than one occasion where the group had to wade through hip-deep water, carrying packs over their heads, to make it to the opposite side and pick up the marked trail again. It meant that they were covered in mud, sweaty from the exertion, and mosquitos and less pleasant bugs were already making a feast of them.

The fact they were starting in Maine also meant that the initial challenges were steep mountains in rugged country in rather cool weather. All in all, it was a difficult start for their journey. By early afternoon Lyla had already requested they stop at the next clear stream or rest area to wash up and change into spare clothes. They’d already have to find a place to launder what they’d been wearing in the morning.

Continue reading “The Waterfall”

Third entry

Kian had asked me once if I thought he was Dorian. When I first woke I did believe him to be my sire. But I found very quickly that I was mistaken. Yet I found myself drawn to him, and developing feelings for him. I began to see a glimmer of Dorian in him, potential to be more like him.

Kian told me that he felt if we could find out if he was Dorian in a past life then it would mena to him that he was here to protect me, and that was very important to him.

I believed him, and I suppose I still do. But he pays little attention to me, and argues with me a lot. Recently he and I accompanied Eife to Armarh. We had to dig up a couple graves, why I do not know, since I was not paying attention. I tend to daze off when Eife is speaking sometimes. Usually there is someone else around who is paying attention though. She is of good intent, but way to motherly, funny that she wants me to assume the role of Mother instead of Crone. I have no idea why.

I get the impression that she is used to getting what she wants, and she wants me to be something I am not, bit truthfully I do not know what that is.

Second Entry

Kian has become very close to me, in fact he bedded me, and I gave myself to him. Though some time has passed since then and I seriously doubt his feelings towards me. HE seems to not care very much what happens to me, and there is the fact that I cannot really trust as to if he is bedding many others.

Shawn has become closer to me and I believe I can call him friend. Though every time we go out together we get into more trouble than we can handle.

I have realized of late that I am alone here, even though there are others they are not of my line, no I ma not meant for this world. I truly feel I should have passed with Dorian. I have decided to try and find a place though, to make a spot for myself. I had hoped though that I could be at Kian’s side, sigh I think it might be best to forget him, and accept my failure of virtue.

I have recently met The Phantom, or John Elroy. HE is considered and elder here, he survived the troubles of Belfast so I know he is strong. I have to say though that he left a rather bad impression with me. He flaunted his power and tried to control me, simply because he is my clan, though how he knew what clan I was I do not know.

But I could not tolerate him and so I left. Though I knew how much it meant to the coterie that he be a contact, not an enemy. So I went back to him and came to terms with him. Since then he has been much better.

I have met other Nos in this town, Lorian who dwells in the cemetery and is not very personable. Redwall, who has taken home in the west side, though to my sadness he has gone missing.

I have taken to playing music, to sooth my sorrows. I was offered to make a record in a studio though I have not acted on it, it would cause to much trouble.

Then there is a girl at the school who lies about much to cover her pain, but she believes in the mother goddess and wishes to learn. I realize that Eife was trying to set something up for me so that I would not be alone, though I do not wish to take a ghoul at this time, and she would not be my pick. I am not here to solve her pains, that is something she needs to achieve on her own. I do not like that this is something that Eife tried to do, though I guess I can not blame her, as in her view she was helping me. Though I am feeling more and more that I do not want to be here, I clinged to Kian for my own comfort, to find my place, and I am seeing clearer that this was error. He seems to have very little care for me, and how I feel.

Shawn and I got into some trouble with the gaurds. They are called police and they took us to the station they are posted to. He was wanted because he was and is a reporter, he disappeared and they last sighting of him was ina place some bad things happened. So they took him and I went with him. Ian had just traded with the sales woman to get me some new coverings.

First Entry

I have awoken to a world that is strange to me , and it is only one room. There were many around me and as the hunger overtook me they supplied me with beasts to ravage.

The blood was that of mere animals but was enough that I could regain part of my mental capacity. The world knew has blended with the world of dreams, it is hard for me to know if I have really awakened or if I still slumber.

I have regained my form through the ancient rituals of my clan, and I have found some paper in wich to write my thoughts. If this is real then they will still be there when the nights awakwens me once more.

If not , then I will wake to find my dear sire next to me once more. Though I though I had found him , though I could not understand him ,he cringed away from me. I reached for him and he seamed afraid of me.

I realized then as they spoke that I could not understand them. The language they spoke was not that of my lands. The one called Eife (Eva) could speak as I do and she told me that it was not Dorian before me but one called Kian, and that he just looks like Dorian.

She explained that I have slept for a thousand years. The ones in the group who found and retrieved me from the prison of my slumber are to become my new family as they are all part of the Circle of the crone, The Circle that we of the Galloi follow.

Eife believes that the one known as Kian might be a reincarnation of my sire. But that remains to be seen. My sire had come to me as I lay dying from illness in my home village. But this was not the first time that I had met him.

I met Dorian as a young girl. He was a stranger to my lands. I did not understand his ways ,neither did many of the village, but he was welcomed as one of our own.

I was drawn to him as he was to me. Though our time together was short , we gave ourselves to each other eternally. When he left I knew he had to , and that I would never see him again. His differences grew to outcast him from the others and to keep peace he left the village.

I knew that was for the best and vowed to spend the rest of my life waiting for him to return to me. He did as the last days of my life passed before me. He came for me and took me away form the death that was chasing me , he welcomed me into his world , the one that had taken him away from me.

I learned that he was a kindred , one of the family Nosferatu , bloodline of the Galloi , known as the pretties. We are followers of the Circle of the Crone , and for the next five years I learned our ways. The lands were invaded and we retreated to Belfast and there Dorian decided to make a last stand with our allies the Bas Filidh, or the Lienen Sihde.

He placed me into a sleep until I could one day awaken to carry on the line and be reunited with him. I have awakened to find I am without him and the world I knew is gone. I am with those who will be my family now , but I am unable to understand them.

I will learn and hope that if this Kian is not my sire, that I will find him. I have learned that the bracer that Dorian gave to me the night he layed me to torper is in what is called a museum. It has been explained to me what that is , but there is only one that can speak to me. His name is Ian and he has comes from the new world, America. Though he is able to speak my language, he is not very skilled with it. But he is trying and was able to help me understand some of the things that are going on around me.

It seems that the religion that my mother followed has survived and grown. It has caused a war between the humans that ravages Ireland. The land is torn apart by the beliefs of the humans. Most of the kindred that resided here have either fled or been destroyed.

There are four members to our coterie. Ian the American who belongs to the order of Dracul. He is of the venture. Kian, who is of unknown origin. Moira who looks like a model and Shaun who has only been embraced about week ago. Eife and Catherine are the two that are of the circle, they serve as our guides and hope to create a new home for the Bas Filde.

Journal Entry 2

April 16th, 2005

I know I’m healing amazingly quickly. Everybody keeps telling me that and I think it’s true. It’s just that I can barely wait to get out of here. Get out of bed, out of this bed and breakfast, out of this speck of “town”.

It’s not even a town really. Just a sort of crossroads with an inn and tavern run by the same two people. The locals all live more or less rural lives out here and this place seems to be their social hub, but I’m stuck in some back room by myself most of the time. Ramiel is a trooper, but he keeps coming up with things to do. I have to just sit here and think. That gets me reminiscing on the past and then things start to bug me.

Like that girl. I think her name was Julia. She was a cultist and I knew it from the start but Ramiel had no idea. I think he fell in love with her and that really bothers me. It always has and it always will. How could he have liked her so much with me right there this whole time?

I let him fall down because I knew he’d get up again, no matter how much it hurt. I knew that girl was trouble the moment I saw her, spying her from the shadows as I followed Ramiel. I wasn’t going to let him be with just anybody, after all, so I took some initiative and checked her out. Too bad he didn’t. It would have saved him a lot of heartbreak — not that he didn’t deserve it.

I could have told him that she was leading him into a trap. Oh she might have thought she was doing a good thing, but that cult was trouble. Sex, drugs, gibbering monsters from the Abyss, yeah that was bad, and Julia was sucking him right in.

I let it happen because I needed to find the cult. We needed to even if Ramiel didn’t know it yet. I needed her to think she was going to win him over. I needed him to believe her every step of the way so that we could get close to the leader and put and end to his mad dreams of power.

So in the process Ramiel was hurt but we persevered. The cult is out of action or at least slowed up quite a bit. The truth is, I let him get hurt because I love him. He has to understand that I love him like no one else ever can or ever will.

I love him. I may kill him, but I’ll love him forever.

The truth is that I don’t care who he toys with, who he sleeps with, so long as at the end of the night he always comes back to me. That’s the important thing.

I just wish there was some way to tell him.

Session Twenty Five, Twenty Six & Twenty Seven

We had turned over the captured Kindred to O’Shea who wished to handle their interrogation for us. It appeared that he, too, wanted to take a greater role in serving the needs of the city. We let him and it was fairly soon that he began to show some success gathering new information.

It should also be noted that by this time, Tessa had recovered. Of course, I helped things along with several visits to grant her the healing benefits of the Blood. Soon she was up and about. She seemed to have no idea why she had been so depressed as to want to take her life.

Acting on information from O’Shea, we attacked another brood cell in order to capture a particular singular broodling whom O’Shea believed would have the information we needed in order to hit each cell and eliminate them in rapid succession. The hit was successful; I used Tessa and Trina as well. They had been foolish enough to ask me if I might find a job for them working for the mob. The hit was bloody and terrifying enough for them that such foolish thoughts were removed from minds quite thoroughly.

We did accomplish the goal, though several brood escaped alive. We did kill a few of them including the body of a demoness that had been summoned. It seems she was the same demon that the brood in Derry had summoned. I think.

Brenna was injured badly again and fell to torpor. This time, it was She Who Sleeps who appeared through Aife in spirit (I think — this is the only way I know to explain it) and roused her so that Brenna would not miss the upcoming first Court event run by Aife and her coterie.

I met with that mage. He did remove the professional vampire hunters from the city — for now. One less thing, you know? He asked me some questions, none of any particular interest to me. I did find out a little about him, however. Real names were not traded and I left him believing I was a spirit of Twilight whose duty it was to shield the material world from dark forces from beyond. The fact that it was at least half true helped the deception.

I also encountered that demon again. Astarte or some such. She was a tempting bitch, I’ll give her that. Still I held out. I know that she cannot yet harm me or pass to the material world again until she is summoned. I’m hoping that we’ll kill the rest of the brood and stop that.

Veronica and I held a clan meeting, mostly because the other clans were doing it. Our is the smallest of the city with only two members counting both of us. It was really a date. I enjoyed it very much. I so wanted her body by the end of the evening but she held out for fear of drawing Brenna’s wrath upon her. I reasoned that Brenna didn’t need to find out, but Veronica held strong for both of us. It was probably the wiser choice.

Session Twenty Three & Twenty Four

Clues largely gathered by Shawn and Ian led us to conclude the issue of the blood screamers. There had been a new drug on the streets, highly addictive and very destructive, yet quite potent. Ian, Shawn and Moira did a lot of the initial footwork to uncover information about it. I was able to then contact Trent, with whom I was still on good terms, and discovered the dealers of this new drug were going to meet with the suppliers.

The coterie moved into action again, although the Hessian and his thugs were still at large. Leads pointing toward finding him had dried up and we needed to attend to the matter of this new drug immediately since it had begun to appear to us that the major component was the blood of Kindred. We suspected that a group of hunters were capturing any vampire they could for this purpose and it had to be stopped.

Ian and Moira had a bit of trouble handling opponents outside the meeting place, but I had already slipped inside, and then aboard the drug suppliers’ van before they left the meeting. The rest of the coterie had to deal with the cleanup there, but I felt I had no choice but to follow these people to their lair to confront their leader. He was a Jamaican known as the Grey Man.

Little did I know that meant literally he was the Grey Man out of legend. This is a terrible spirit capable of driving beings to depression and ultimately self-destruction. In corporeal form it was extremely difficult to destroy but I managed. But its fleeing spirit tore through me and affected me somehow. Although I had seemingly won and now had control of what was left of his organization in that place, the victory seemed hollow and meaningless. I didn’t care what happened to the ex-pushers and thugs. I sent most of them away and had the remaining fellow take me to the place the drug was manufactured.

That was horrible, in hindsight. But at the time I simply could not rouse myself to give a damn. I slaughtered ghouls on my progression through the place until I found some dozen kindred, mostly broodlings, hanging from hugs and being fed animal blood. From them blood was then drawn away and used to create the blood screamers’ drug. I found Redwall and another Kindred named Michael, called in the coterie to bring a van and we loaded up the rest of the victims. They had ingenious fire-based booby traps rigged so it would have taken more time than I had to disarm and remove it all.

Both Redwall and Michael seemed rather thankless for their rescue, though Michael was actually a thankless ass. I hope he screws up or harasses his Childer Shawn so I can teach him a lesson in humility.

I’m not sure what happened in the following night or two. I know I went to stay with Tessa and Trina. I let them have whatever they wanted of me. They probably thought they were helping me, but it just didn’t matter.

Eventually Aife cured me. Or rather she introduced me to a friend that did. In confronting my depression I was cleansed. In addition, I was able to glimpse a long-lost previous life wherein I was Brenna’s little brother. Only, I wasn’t Kian and she wasn’t Brenna. Yet we were… it’s confusing to talk about. And I did learn that in the days of Brenna and her sire Dorien I had some role in her life, though I don’t know quite what it was.