Ann-Marie took the time to create an invitation by hand, crafting an elegant design and hand-calligraphing each letter precisly. It wouldn’t do to simply go knocking on the door of someone she only knew in passing. Once completed, she signed it and placed it in an envelope and mailed it across town to Ariya Honeywell. It read, Continue reading “Stepping Out”
Brief Description: Mars of 2911 is the second largest world in EarthGov and is the first and most successful off-world colony away from Earth-Luna. After nearly 900 years of exploration, 800 of colonization and 600 of terraforming it hasn’t become a paradise, but it is self-sustaining. Mars is a net exporter of raw materials, foodstuffs, and manufactured goods. It also has the unfortunate distinction of being a haven for corporate raiders, bounty hunters, mutants, and crime syndicates. While not completely independent (The Terran Fleet protects the whole Sol System), it is far less regulated than much of Earth, and safer than many other colonies.
People: Martians are quite proud of their accomplishments. They are taming a near inhospitable desert, creating an atmosphere, have brought limited plant life and even crashed dozens of comets to bring a semblance of water to this place. The Martians are probably the most welcoming people in the galaxy, anything goes in some of the cities. Even the most civilized domed cities have a residual frontier edge to them. Martians have a wild mix of cultures that is symptomatic of a huge melting pot with each domed city being a focus of one or another but not anything exclusive. Most have over time become accustomed to or been genetically tweaked to live in lower gravity and don’t fare well off world. With the advent of gravity plating a century ago, more and more long-term visitors have begun appearing, annoying the locals a bit.
Terraforming: The Martian atmosphere is now up to a third of Earth’s in pressure, just enough for liquid water but not anywhere in pressure, quality, or radiation absorption. It is quite a miracle and beyond scientists most wishful thinking. Most Martians are for continued work on the atmosphere and environment but some prefer the Red Mars of their ancestors the deserts of which may go away in a few hundred more years.
Rey sat at the desk in the back room of the Blood & Brew, going over the inventory lists, to get an idea of what rate they were going through things. Tomorrow was order day, and she wanted to have everything ready to go. She was also waiting for Gillian to arrive. The new Lupa wanted to talk to her about a few things.
Gillian appeared, walking through the back door. “Hi,” she said. “You wanted to see me?” It was snowing again, a heavy wet sort of precipitation that clung to the used and worn coat she had and she brushed at it a bit before looking around. She saw Lyla’s coat stand nearby, though it had Rey’s coat hanging from it now. She pulled off her coat and hung hers up on a tine opposite Rey’s, then went to stand in front of the desk. She looked at Rey, doing Lyla’s work and sitting at the former lupa’s desk, realizing that Rey must have taken the Blood and Brew from the ex-lupa.
In 2911 FTL (faster-than-light) travel is primarily accomplished using a combination of technologies, the most important of which is simply called Stardrive. It is based on the space-warping theories of the 20th century physicist Miguel Alcubierre. Physics aside, most stardrives are only sustaining and initiation systems medium to large ships to use while using a Stargate. Only the largest ships can create the field themselves and they have some navigation issues as well. Stargates all also used to facilitate standard FTL communications and augment the highspeed T-Com network overseen by the Esper Guild.
How a StarGate Works
A Stargate is a series of vast energy coils usually found at a LaGrange point or other stable orbit away from deep gravity wells (you couldn’t have one in low-orbit for instance). By passing through these coils, a warp bubble is created around the ship seemingly allowing the ship to move faster than light. In fact, the ship doesn’t move at all once it exits the coils and is on its way, the space around it moves. Speeds of up to a parsec a day have been achieved by ever energetic and optimized fields away from gravity wells. When in-system speeds of 1 AU every 8 minutes is standard. Higher speeds are very dangerous. For all types of gates, the receiving stargate strips the field away from the ship upon arrival, returning it to normal space. The field generally cannot be turned off without a stargate or a huge power supply (certain capital ships, etc); though certain emergency procedures exist should a gate fail. Also, FTL combat is unknown and considered nearly impossible. Combat, when it happens, occurs in normal space. Note: A large gravity well can disrupt the field though it usually ends up very messy.
Insystem Gates
These are uncommon in most systems, Sol being the main user (few other systems have more than one colony or world anyway). However, at Sol they are the norm. The Earth orbital itself has five stargates, one at each L-Point (2 primary and 3 secondary). With the exception of Mercury, each planet has at least one. Users of these gates can be sent to anywhere in the system with a gate or sent to an Inner Sphere gateway destination.
Outsystem Gates
Every official settled human colony has a stargate (usually at least two if it has been settled for any real length of time). There are no exceptions. Each gate is controlled by Earthgov Stargate Agency or ESA, though the Spacer worlds have nominal control over theirs. A gate cannot be easily powered down due to the vast energy running through it, and starting it up again takes days. Most outsystem routes use well laid out gates and transfer points.
Stargate Navigation
Usually travel between stargates is either facilitated by the Guild-trained Esper Directors (Astrogators, E-Navs), or less often dedicated computers (Nav-Com) for the more common routes. Since the distance travelled is vast, Directors help a ship set its course by employing their pre-cognative and clairsentient abilities, sometimes in concert with another Director at the destination using the T-Com. The Director need not be on the ship to do this, only at the stargate facility. Highly advanced computer systems can do the same job if all the variables are known (and used to be the only way). These are nowhere near as flexible and take significantly longer to make their calculations for Outsystem flights; but work fine and quickly enough for Insystem regular traffic. Note: If a ship employs a skilled Director on board in sync with a top Nav-com, it is possible to change course mid-flight to another stargate . Dangerous, but possible.
Without a Stargate
It used to be that the first explorer ships to enter a system in the past were limited to lightspeed. It took years, or even decades to reach their destinations, build a stargate and then come back to Earth within weeks or months. Now, technology has advanced to the point that non-stargate using vessels (Starships vs Gateships) can travel at speeds approaching half the speed of regular Outsystem gate traffic. Faster is possible but not recommended without a Director on board and one at the destination, and if that is the case, you may as well use a gate. Generally only military capital ships, and the vast explorer ships use full blown stand-alone drive systems due to the vast space the power systems require. Technology has improved to a degree, but medium-sized Starships are likely decades away, but rumors abound about military ‘skunk works’ designs that may have broken the power barrier; but with limitations…
Of note is one thing. On at least two occasions it has been documented that certain superhumans have shown the ability to generate their own warp bubble. One has been certified to be alien tech still not deciphered by top scientists and the other is thought to be a pure mutation. There may be more instances of this, but it has so far baffled the scientific community.
Each character will be built on 200 points plus 100 points in disads. There is no maximum on active points; however, if you go over 80 active points for a power there should be a good justification. I’d like to review the character backstories, sheets and concepts with each person via email or personally. I can answer any questions you may wish. Also, you may have as many points of your hundred as mystery disads.
Also, each character will be receiving equipment in-game including some armor, life-support, transport (ships that is) and sensory/detective equipment. It is a future tech game. To help with your character planning it will be 10/10 Armor with emergency life support. I’ll detail it out and post it this weekend, though you won’t have it for the first session.
Most villains will have effects and defenses in the 60 active point range though tougher ones (bricks) and the ‘big bosses’ may have more as the stories require.
I’d like to avoid the entire gadgeteer class of hero. Since this is a future game, anybody with access to military particle weapons, armor and a flight pack could in theory be a hero (its very, very rare) or a villain (much more common). To avoid that, I’d encourage you to run with classic mutants, mutates, and accidental powers. Note: You can use a focus for a power that is supplemental to your main abilities or help you focus your abilities if that is your concept; so if you have Flight, but use fake wings for stability, that would probably be fine. Every concept is negotiable.
Any power that says “Stop” is not allowed unless by specific permission. I would like to avoid Universal Power Pools as well. Most Mental Powers fall under the watchful eyes of the Esper Guild, so likely a Mentalist would either be a member, licensed by them, or start with a big enemy/watched.
I encourage players to play human mutants as aliens are very alien (I’ll be detailing them soon); however, if you have a good story I’ll listen. If a player ends up playing an alien, only one will be allowed in-game. The same goes for robots. True-AI is illegal in Earth-controlled space, but a Spacer AI could exist; but it would be a huge challenge to play as you couldn’t 1) Harm any human or let them come to harm, 2) Disobey any human as long as it didn’t conflict with #1, or 3) Put yourself in danger unless it conflicts with numbers 1 and 2.
I’m giving out some extra points for character pictures (you can draw them or ask an artist and you can split the points), good background stories, and character logs among a few options. I may also use ‘Luck’ or ‘Hero Points’ or some such. There may be more give-aways in-game depending on the circumstances.
Recently more and more mutants have been appearing on Earth and even more in Earth-controlled space and colonies. Some use their abilities for benign purposes, some refuse to uses them, many use them selfishly and even others employ them for nefarious purposes. EarthGov scientists have categorized them into five general classes:
Alpha Class – Alphas are the most dangerous. While fewest in number, they generally have a wide variety of abilities within a general concept or one very powerful ability. (These will be most the PCs)
Beta Class – Betas generally have one significant ability or a set of minor abilities.
Gamma Class – Gammas usually only have one minor ability.
Delta Class – Deltas abilities are rarely beneficial and can even be a problem for themselves or others.
Epsilon (Psi) Class – Psis are just that, psionics. Most notably telepaths. This is the only mutant ability so far regulated by EarthGov with its own rating system. The Esper Guild is the primary regulatory body.
Legally, most mutants other than Psis fall under weapons, privacy, and trespassing laws in general, but so far legislation on mutation is far behind the growing concerns for the economy, robots, Aliens, Spacers, and more.
Where Do They Come From?
Most mutant abilities are caused by radiation exposure, environmental effects and random mutation gathered genetically over many generation. This free genetic drift in response to the environment explains why Spacers who have for centuries controlled their genome almost never have mutants (at least not random ones). Mutant abilities can be inherited, develop naturally or triggered by extreme stress. Some result from unplanned for side-effects on genome manipulation.
Some Noted Mutant Heroes of the Past
Crusader – A legendary hero of the 20th and early 21st Century. He set the stage for what it is to be a superhero and his influence has reverberated through the law enforcement community and inspired legions of idealists to try to live up to his example.
Aura – An electricity-wielding heroine of the late 23rd to early 24th Century.
Wave – An energy-projector of 27th Century, disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
Shard – A cosmic-powered former hero turned villain, arch nemesis of Quantum. Defeated at the Battle of Aurora and is now a prisoner.
Quantum – A famous hero of the late 29th Century possessing vast cosmic powers. Was also a Senator and advocate for universal human rights. Has only been seen sporadically since the Shard Incident of 2896.
Timeline: February 6, 2009
Rey walked out of the grocery store with a backpack full of groceries when she saw Jesse on the other side of the street.
“Hey Jesse!” she called out, and quickly crossed the road to join her friend.
Jesse paused. “Hello, Rey,” she said. Rey oddly felt like Jesse was a taller than she remembered.
“I haven’t seen you around much. What have you been up to?”
As Rey stopped next to her friend, she realized she was lookup up quite a bit to look Jesse in the eye. Rey checked her shoes, but Jesse wasn’t wearing high heels. She was, in fact, wearing an entirely new set of clothes. Or at least, it was a set she hadn’t seen before. “Oh, I’ve been keeping busy,” Jesse replied. There was a quiet stillness to her voice that made one think of libraries or waiting rooms or graveyards. “I quit my job with Tara Honeywell, you know, and started working at the hospice. It keeps me busy. What’s new with you?” Continue reading “Long Time No See”
One day shortly after her brother and friends had left for Mythic City, when Jesse had errands to run, Ann-Marie took a break from her studies and called Alice. It was early enough in the evening that she was able to reach Alice at the library, which was open until ten that night.
“Eldon Well Public Library,” she answered over the phone.
The group split up today. After meeting with the my Queen of Sin (I just love her!) and having a brief altercation with the legendary Springheel Jack (he pinched Lyla’s butt) it was decided that the guys would go out to the bars to see what they could discover there. I though Lyla wanted to go with them, but at the last minute changed her mind and suggested we go for a girl’s night out. Sounded like a fun idea, so I went for it. But, keeping the mission in mind I suggested that we try to find an off-night Goblin Market and find out if any human had been sold there or perhaps find out other leads.
We decided to go as twins. I took Lyla’s look and wore her clothes. For hours we scoured the seedy underbelly of Mythic. We endured cat-calls, groping, disrespect, and other misogynistic behavior from the scum of the earth. But they are the ones who might know. We used all our knowledge and finesse, employing our feminine whiles to our betterment and from it we found a couple of leads. Over the next few days we hope to build on this. We might have built on them that night if we hadn’t been interupted.
We had just left one of our more disgusting dives when we were accosted by Springheel Jack. He was unnaturally quick and agile, almost fluid like. He didn’t just want to pinch Lyla, I think he wanted to pursue and rape her and maybe me. He quickly cut her belt and her pants went away just as quickly. I tried everything to inspire fear and bedlam in him, but it didn’t work. I grabbed him to get him away from her and he reversed the hold on me. Now I was the subject of his desire. She kept on him using harsher attacks as time went on, but he shrugged off our punched and healed our cuts. I got loose and took wolf form. His interest in me went away and he turned on Lyla again. I suggested she change as well, but she was reluctant. I guess she had her reasons, but I’m sure he didn’t want sex with a wolf.
Things got bad when he bashed her head against the wall. It was hard, very hard actually. So much so that she lost consciousness. He swept her up and over his shoulder. I thought about taking human form to woo him away from her, but instead I decided to leap and try to save her. I knew I would hurt Lyla by doing this, but the alternative was too gruesome to contemplate.
I gathered everything I had and leaped at Jack, grasping Lyla in my jaws and tearing her away and running off. Jack smiled and leaped away saying “Goodnight Ladies”. Lyla was hurt pretty bad, I was mostly uninjured, save my pride. We felt it was enough for that night and went home. Lyla was a bit frustrated and worried that her boyfriend, Ramiel would over-react and go after Jack in revenge. I agreed to say nothing.
We met the boys some hours later in their hotel suite. We spent the night gathering info and those hours chatting away and documenting; trying to forget the more violent events of the night. Lyla said nothing. Neither did I. I think Chaska suspected something and perhaps she told him; but I don’t know. Tomorrow we plan to continue our scouting and follow-up on our leads.
Government Name: United Nations of Earth Government
Population: 6.9 Billion
Brief Description: Earth of 2911 has been through wars, ecological disaster, controlled by its own colonies, robot rebellions, genetic strife and more. Today in many ways Earth is in the best shape it has been in over 200 years. Stringent regulations prevent overpopulation and ecological problems, but these same measures have divided the population into subtle divisions of have and have-nots not seen since hundreds of years earlier. One would think that EarthGov is obviously most powerful here, but local powers, the old nation-states, still hold significant powers over their cultures and populations. EarthGov controls supernational law enforcement and the military and plays a delicate balance between the local regions, old colonies, Spacer worlds and new colonies.
People: Earthers, Terrans, Downsiders. Whatever you call them, the majority of humanity are the descendants of the species Homo Sapiens that never left home. It is by far the most diverse population in the Human Sphere. Despite periodic attempts to improve the species, this diversity still stands as unique. Notable subgroups include ‘Turners – the descendants of people born and raised off-world, most notably former Spacer Loyalists. Those who over two centuries ago were kicked out of the Inner Sphere rebel worlds that eventually became the League of Independant Worlds – the Spacers as Earthers derogatorily call them. Mutants are a tiny minority. Some are evolutionary, others dead ends, still others results of one-time accidents. An even smaller number has shown uncanny abilities from something as amazing as energy projection to simply creating a nice ambient temperature. Most mutants unfortunately don’t have positive side effects to their afflictions and despite Earthgov’s best efforts suffer in underworld of the metrozones.
Telepaths: Of all the mutations, telepathy is the best understood and most studied. While rare, it is genetic, passed on in families, trainable, and highly regulated. Other related telepathic abilities such as psionic empathy (rare), ESP (very rare), and telekinesis (very, very rare) are also regulated. EarthGov created a semi-independent agency two hundred years ago called the Esper Guild or simply the Guild as a regulatory arm to police and license telepaths. Unlike other mutant abilities, technology has limited use in defending against telepathy, which is the reason why telepaths are licensed and powered mutants are not (for now-though there is little push for it). The Guild was neutral in the Spacer Revolts so, unlike many other agencies, it still has a limited presence there – the Guild-trained Directors (Astrogators) being the prime reason. A previous organization, the Psionic Agency was considered somewhat more draconian and Machiavellian. Centuries ago a Psionic Conflict happened wherein rogue members of the Agency tried to take over Earth. After their defeat by the hero Wave the Earth government reformed the Agency into the Guild, purging the power focus and creating more of an association. Even with civilian control, some people still suspect telepaths of underhandedness.
Robots: What are called ‘bots, droids, robots, etc are a growing workhorse of the economy. Since the migration of a vast majority of the human population to the metrozones in the last centuries, farm and mineral labor had become an even-increasing problem. Humanoid robots (‘Droids) had been in use since the end of the 21st Century, but after the AI Revolt of the 2400’s, the EcoWars, and the Great Exodus of humans to the colonies, their use other than as a curiosity nearly ceased other than in dangerous fields of endeavor such as asteroid mining (which even became a human occupation later on). After the second wave of colonists departed for the Outer Sphere after the Spacer Revolt, robots came to be seen as essential for agriculture and mining industries where human labor was lacking. With the exception of the Spacer Worlds, anti-droid prejudice is at an all-time high (A notable and none-too-surprising exception is NeoTokyo). However the need for robots is growing and some menial job categories in the metrozones are beginning to employ them in larger and larger numbers and some are now even becoming household servants. Off Earth, robots are rare, expensive, and disliked. Non-humanoid robots or ‘Bots are neither loved nor hated. They are ubiquitous. When people complain about robots they are usually talking about androids. All androids in Earth controlled space must be obviously artificial, not possess True-AI, and be completely Asimoved and licensed. Ingenious people have found ways to follow the rules but still offer top-level human shaped droids, including the famous Auradine’s Blue series and the metallic Ibri Panion series.
10 Largest Cities: The majority of the worlds population live in hundreds of centralized metrozones. 97% at last count. A few ‘cultural preserves’ exist on all continents preserving traditional cultures from as early at the 19th century. These are the exception. Very small towns have mostly ceased to exist with most (not all) agriculture run on huge robot farms. Robot labor is a growing concern as it is beginning to expand into the metros.
A view of one of NeoYork's city centers (Newark Sector) looking west.
Current Situation: As the hub of the Human Sphere, Earth is the prime economic engine and largest consumer. However, stringent environmental, population control, cultural control and other regulations have made life there a bit dull for some tastes. The cities and well-managed (usually), but poverty, discrimination and crime still find a way to spoil the Utopian promises of the future. The cultural shock of losing the most economically important colonies so long ago has never quite been fully recovered from, despite the newer colonization efforts on less potential worlds and some trade with the alien species. With so many players, Earthgov, Nation-States, Old Colonies, Spacers, New Colonies, Megacorps and more, the potential for corruption, even in an ideal situation is very high. While violent crime is (mostly) unknown in most cities, anti-robot riots, petty theft, and corruption is slowly on the rise. Most situations are dealt with by the Directorate of Public Safety (Earthgov Security) or local police quite effectively, but a recent increase of crime – including mutant-powered crime – has been threatening to spill over to Earth proper.