Tiffanie was the key player in convincing her recently discovered great uncle Aurryn Silverleaf, a grim scout first hired by the group to bear witness to her and Emmeline’s actions at the Cairns, to make an agreement with the Baron d’Uzec. It also turns out the ‘Sister’ Jos likes being a woman, unlike Tiffanie. Now named Sister Jocelyn, she is determined to stay a woman, so has made an agreement to continue to try to remove Tiffanie’s curse in the off-chance it will transfer to Jocelyn permanently. Her hiding this fact has gotten her in trouble with the Temple (and to a lesser degree to the Baron) and Tiffanie and Jocelyn have departed for Derrien to see the Aarithine Bishop of County Derrien for advice and judgement. Tiffanie carries with her a ring of mind shielding with the entrapped soul of Martin, an Aarithine priest and former colleague of the outlaw Rurrick. Tiffanie also witnessed the dwarven spirits reseal the Cairn, one or more passing around, through, and by her as they went to their rest. Briefly at the end of the Cairn mission, the dwarven runes, including those on Tiffanie’s axe, became clear and in good repair. They then faded to their previous state as the Cairn’s mouth collapsed as Tiffanie left the sword, the ghosts, and the ruin behind. Continue reading “Epilogue Session 3”