Edge of Dark

Weblog for a World of Darkness cross-over RPG campaign.

Secrets Revealed

Timeline: December 19th, 2008 Ramiel had gone with Lyla to Boston to join Ann-Marie and Jesse for an evening out, and they were joined by Michael as well. Lyla had a meeting she said she couldn’t miss at 11 but said that she would very much like it if Ramiel would join her. The evening, it ...

Lyla’s Project Part 3

Timeline: December 9th, 2008 It was just after 4:30 when Rey found herself standing outside the door to the Blood & Brew. It was unlikely to be busy, as the suppertime “rush” didn’t start until around 5:30. She’d returned later than she’d expected, having taken Lyla’s advice and had some “fun”. Rey treated herself to a haircut, ...

Lyla’s Project Part 2

Timeline: December 9th, 2008 It was a couple minutes before ten when Rey arrived at the house. She was tired, having greeted the dawn screaming Grey’s name a third time before he finally succumbed to his own release. The young witch wasn’t so tired that she had circles under her eyes, but she would definitely need ...

Lyla’s Project

Timeline: December 9th, 2008, 2:30 am The bar was closed. There were the usual weeknight barflies that hung out through the 1:30 am last call until the 2am closing. Lyla and Rey were the only ones left in the building and they worked through the usual routine of cleaning the bar, stacking the chairs, sweeping and ...

Family Matters

Timeline: December, 2008 Ann-Marie was home in the living room. She had just gotten up and set up her music. Jesse, her ever helpful aid, was not home yet. On these nights, once per week at least, Johnny and her would play. It was a tradition that hearkened back to their early family days. Tuning her ...

Another Point of View

Timeline: November 30, 2008 — 2:30 am Jesse had been transitioning to become a bit of a night owl. It worked better in that she could help Ann-Marie and keep her updated with business of the day more easily. So, she’d taken to staying up until around 3:30 am, then up by ten am or so ...

Youth Shelter, the Search for Serena

Timeline: November 30, 2008 — 2 am Ramiel collapsed on the couch and stared at the address and name he had scribbled down next the the phone number on the bar napkin. He pulled four more number out of his other pockets and tossed them aside. I need to find out more about this place and this ...

A Tower Built Upon a Dragon’s Cave

Timeline: November 29, 2008 — Evening Ann-Marie had sent Jesse away to vacation with her friend. Despite the risks, she trusted the girl, and cared for her a great deal. For the last six months the majority of her time was spent with her kind building relationships and establishing her territory. Despite it all, she had ...

Rey’s First Hunt

Timeline: November, 2008 The smell of coffee and the sounds of someone moving around in the kitchen downstairs pulled Rey out of a deep sleep. She rolled over and looked at her clock with bleary eyes. “Who the heck is making coffee at three in the morning?” Yawning, she stumbled out of bed, grabbed her robe ...

Seeking Yoda

Timeline: November 29th, 2008 Ramiel knocked on the door to Ariah’s, his expression a somber one. A bird suddenly exploded into flight and cooing as it went. It had startled Ramiel enough to capture his attention. He watched the startled dove fly away. The door was open. “Ramiel?” Ariyah’s voice snared his attention. She was standing in bare feet, ...

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