Edge of Dark

Weblog for a World of Darkness cross-over RPG campaign.

Chaska Reflects

Timeline: December 5, 2007 The mountain lion sat perched on a rocky outcrop overlooking the snow covered landscape. Every muscle in his body was taut ready to leap and every fiber of his senses were focused on the deer that was moving through the brush along the deer trail down below. The scene was a classic one, ...

Eldon Well, December 17, 2007

What a night. It was supposed to have been a quiet one but it ended up getting, well, not. I’d asked Lyla if she could come over to help me put the rope bed together, as I’d finally finished the carvings and everything. She came alright, but not alone. She had Ramiel ...

Blood Moon

Timeline: December 24th, 2007 It pained Ironclaw to have to leave Honoré out of this one, but it was simply too dangerous. He and the pack were going to war and he couldn’t allow any member of his pack to have a single second thought. It was that important. It all hinged upon one misguided but ...

Magic and Herbs

Timeline: December, 2007 Ramiel had spaced this conversation out as long as he could. He knew that Rey was pissed with him over what had happened with Lyla. That was two months ago. He had been waiting for Rey to come and beat on him over it, but she never did. A few weeks ago he had ...

Morning Wood

Timeline: Early December Grey was excited as he walked toward the cabin. I’m acting like a child. It had been a long time for him to be brave enough to go even half way. If it had not been for Rey he would never have said anything. Still he felt that she would realize how bad a ...

Wood if I Could

Timeline: Early December It had been short, but busy shift at the Blood & Brew, and Rey was glad to be getting him. Rose had shown up to be the one to walk Rey home. “You are very chipper today Rey. Why might that be?” Rose asked with a devilish smile. “Why shouldn’t I be?” Rey grinned, deliberately ...

Daniel Visits the Blood And Brew

Timeline: Late November, Friday Night Lyla’s night to work the bar tended to coincide with her checking up on the accounting and ordering. She enjoyed being there especially on the Thursday and Friday nights, when she could and this week Daniel had a good guess that, barring any pressing matters he was not aware of, she ...

The Old Tree

Timeline: Evening of December 2, 2007 Grey was meditating when he heard movement outside. He chose to be cautious; as he moved from the cave he wrapped himself in the Gauntlet, allowing him to sneak up on who, or what, was approaching the cave. His caution paid off as he saw Rose and Lyla leaving behind a ...

A Quilting We Will Go

Timeline: December 3, 2007 Scene: Dr. John Beckett trekking through the woods to a lonely and remote cabin. The Home of Ezra Hatfield, whos’ youngest daughter, Sarah age 10 is quite ill. Ezra’s cabin home contains his wife Rose, 5 sons and one daughter. Sons are Abraham and Isaac Twins 18, David 17, Matthew 15 and Jeremiah 14. Its ...

Lyla the Advice Lady

Timeline: December 2, 2007 Lyla had Rose carrying a heavy backpack that matched her own. Both women were wearing heavy winter coats, boots, gloves, and scarves as they trudged through deep snow on their way to Rey’s new home. The cabin was a bit out of the way, and travel by foot was turned into a ...

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