Edge of Dark

Weblog for a World of Darkness cross-over RPG campaign.


Timeline: February 25th, 2008 Daniel had returned to Eldon Well. Boston and New York he knew well, but Baltimore was a different animal. In any case he had done what he had came to do and now it was back to home. Funny thing that, he had begun to think of this backwater village as home. ...

Where We Come From

Timeline: March 1st, 2008 Ironclaw looked back at her, nodded his head, and disappeared into the trees. She stood there for a moment, then picked up the axe by the door. There really wasn’t any need to split wood, she had more than enough, but she tried to do it for at least half an hour each ...

Portland city of Destruction

After a lot of pointless discussion, the mess with Sterling came to a head. I called Baily and asked him to track down a license plate, that they found, for me. The license plate led us to Sterlings home. We drove by it the night before and then went to our hotel. Ann Marie said ...

A Pack Christmas

Timeline: December 2007 Lyla had gotten up early and finished wrapping presents she’d gotten for the entire, extended “family”, put them in a box and then roused the sleeping and still injured Ramiel. He was looking decidedly better this morning than he did last night, she was pleased to see. Once everyone was up and moving, they ...

The Walk Home

Timeline: February 24th, 2008 Laughter had faded as the two walked back to the house. Ramiel pulled a flask form his jacket pocket and took a drink from it. He offered the flask to Michael. “So why don’t you tell me what has been going on with you.” Ramiel asked in a calm and low voice. Michael took ...

Home to a Quilt

Timeline: February 24th, 2008 Grey took Rey in his arms and hugged her close to him. “What are they laughing about?” He saked as Ramiel and Michael walked into the woods and faded from view. “I don’t know,” Rey said. “The last thing I remember them talking about was a bet on whether or not I’d ravish ...

Man Speak

Timeline: Morning of January 25th, 2008 It was mid-morning as Ramiel walked through the forest. He walked a path that he often took when looking for his favorite alpha. Usually it did not take very long for Ironclaw to find him. Last night had been difficult to watch. In truth Ramiel had fought the urge to stand ...

It Was a Dark And Stormy Night

Timeline: February 19th, 2008 It was a dark and stormy night when John walked into the Blood and Brew. He went over to the bar and called for Lyla. “Hey Lyla I have an idea and I wanted to run it by you and see what you thought about it. What if we have a St. ...

You Can’t Go Home Again

Timeline: February 20, 2008 It was a typical Wednesday night at the Blood & Brew. Rey was behind the bar, and feeling a bit distracted. In a couple of days, she would be doing something she dreaded. Ramiel was back in what was becoming his typical spot, writing in a journal. He waved Rey over with an ...

A Few Days

Timeline: February 17th, 2008 Ramiel had been quiet but around the house more for the next few days after his return. He had gone to see Ariyah and held her for hours while she cried. Aubry and Tara had discussed things with him and he agreed with their choice. It would take time, but Ariyah would ...

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